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Tableau Tutorial

Line Chart

What is a Line Chart?

A line chart, or line graph, is used to display data points connected by lines, illustrating trends over time or other continuous variables. It is particularly useful for showing how data evolves and helps in identifying patterns and making predictions.

How to Read Line Charts

To read a line chart:

  • X-Axis: Typically represents time or a sequential measure.
  • Y-Axis: Represents the data values.
  • Line Trend: Observe the direction and slope of the line to understand trends.

Types of Line Charts:

  • Single Line Chart: Shows a single dataset or trend.
  • Multiple Line Chart: Compares trends across different datasets.

Single Line Chart

Multiple Line Chart

What Type of Analysis Do Line Charts Support?

Line charts are effective for:

  • Trend Analysis: Identifying upward or downward trends over time.
  • Comparison: Comparing trends between multiple datasets.

Forecasting: Predicting future values based on historical data

When and How to Use Line Charts for Visual Analysis

Best Practices:

  • Limit the Number of Lines: Too many lines can clutter the chart.
  • Use Color Wisely: Differentiate lines with distinct colors.
  • Label Key Points: Highlight significant data points for clarity.

Common Mistakes:

  • Too Many Lines: Can make the chart difficult to interpret.
  • Irregular Intervals on X-Axis: Can mislead trend interpretation.
  • Omitting Labels: Makes it hard to understand what each line represents.


Steps to Create a Line Chart:

  1. Connect to Data:
    • Begin by connecting to a dataset that includes time-based data, such as monthly sales.
  2. Drag Fields to the View:
    • Drag the Order Date field to the Columns shelf. By default, Tableau aggregates the data by year, but you can change the aggregation to month, quarter, etc.
    • Drag the Sales field to the Rows shelf.
  3. Convert to Line Chart:
    • If Tableau doesn’t automatically create a line chart, you can manually select Line from the Marks card dropdown.
  4. Enhance the Chart:
    • To add more details, you can drag additional dimensions like Category to the Color option on the Marks card, creating multiple lines on the same chart.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How many lines should I include in a line chart?

A: Aim to include only a few lines (3-5) to avoid clutter. If you have more data, consider using interactive features or breaking it into multiple charts.

Q: Can line charts be used for non-time-related data?

 A: Yes, line charts can represent any continuous data, not just time. Ensure that the x-axis represents a continuous variable.

Q: How do I handle outliers in a line chart?

A: Use color or markers to highlight outliers, or adjust the axis to make their impact on the overall trend clearer.